
Chartered Financial Planner


Who I help

I help a broad range of clients, including those working and accumulating their wealth, business owners, those approaching retirement, and people who are retired and thinking about leaving a legacy for their loved ones.

How I help

My specialisms include financial planning, lifetime cash flow modelling, investment and tax consultancy, and inheritance and succession planning.

“Our clients are the most important thing about our industry and at AAB Wealth they are our number one priority”

Claire Marston is a Chartered Financial Planner based in our Aberdeen office. Working within our Wealth team she helps her clients to establish, identify, prioritise, and achieve their financial objectives, so they can live their desired lifestyle. She helps to familiarise clients with the investment process and provide support through any changes in financial circumstances and turbulent market conditions.

By utilising cash flow modelling, Claire is able to assess the achievability of her clients’ goals. She also assists with tax planning, ensuring that they are utilising all available tax allowances and withdrawing funds in a tax efficient manner.

Foundation of trust

“For me trust and honesty are the most important aspects of any relationship I have with a client. Clients need to trust that I know what I’m talking about, that I will be able to help them achieve their goals, and that I have their best interests at heart. Finances are such a personal thing and, for some people, it can feel very uncomfortable to discuss such personal information. It is important that we build a relationship where it becomes not only possible, but enjoyable.

The relationship I’ve been able to build with clients has always been the most satisfying part of my role. I endeavour to find out what is important to a client and do whatever I can to help them achieve their goals and give them peace of mind when it comes to their finances. Everyone is different and I try hard to establish what will work for each client and their individual circumstances.”

People focused.

“Financial advice is and will always be a people focused sector. It’s driven by people’s circumstances, goals, and ambitions. As such, I believe that the in-person face to face element is so important because you’re dealing with something that’s personal to them.

That’s not to say that technology doesn’t have its place. In many aspects tech is an essential tool for saving us time and helping us to give more to our clients. Cash flow modelling is vital for our business and for helping clients. We use it to establish whether clients can achieve their goals and for stress testing scenarios. We also use it in meetings to present to clients, which is very visual and can help them feel confident about their finances. Tech enables us to do our jobs in the most effective and bespoke way.”

Uncertainty of the future

“There is a lot of uncertainty when it comes to financial planning and this can be challenging. We cannot know what the future holds, both in terms of the financial markets and in regulation. To combat this, we focus on what we can control: keeping costs low, diversifying globally and staying disciplined in times of volatility.”

Common misconceptions

“There’s a misconception that clients, their objectives, and their wellbeing are not the primary focus. That’s just simply not true. Clients are the most important part of our industry and at AAB Wealth they are the number one priority. That’s why ‘clients are our passion’ is one of the key values everyone in the team has. We do whatever we can to support them and help them achieve their goals.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Claire Marston, Aberdeen

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  1. Blog29th May 2024

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