approach to financial planning.

Investment planning

At AAB Wealth, we believe there is a notable difference between speculating and investing. We adopt a rigorous, systematic, evidence-based approach to investing.

Moving to a more sustainable approach to investing is a journey to be taken in small, careful steps. We use a data-driven approach to evaluate companies on sustainability issues, the impact of which can be measured and reported. We call this approach ‘systematic ESG’ investing.

Find out more about our Investment Philosophy here.

Step one - financial discovery


We’ll seek to discover what is important to you about money, who are the people most important to you, what your lifestyle will cost you, and any specific ‘bucket list’ goals.


This will help to create a clear picture of your current financial position. The information we obtain from the ‘financial discovery’ process will then inform the discussion as to most appropriate investment strategy and solutions going forward.

Step two - advice and recommendations


Having gained an understanding of your goals and objectives during Stage 1 of the process, we will analyse your current arrangements in detail, and report back to you in person on our findings. Our meeting will cover our recommendations on an appropriate investment plan and our advice on tax-efficient succession planning. It will focus on your personal lifetime cash flow analysis and objectives.


Clarity for you on our investment strategy proposals and their implications. This will allow you to make informed decisions on your investments, and the selection of suitable tax vehicles in the most efficient order.

Step three - implementation


This meeting will enable us to discuss any final queries or concerns and to complete the paperwork. We’ll liaise directly with your legal advisers and current investment providers to instruct any legal drafting, fund transfers and other paperwork as required. Once prepared we will review and discuss with you.


Ensuring a smooth transition from decision making to execution of plans, providing you with support at all stages.

Ongoing reviews

As a minimum, we’ll meet you on an annual basis, to review your personal and financial situation, and re-visit your plan against your goals and objectives. We call this your Progress Meeting. If you need assistance in between meetings, you can contact us by phone or email at any time.

Corporate social responsibility

At AAB Wealth we recognise that providing our clients with the best service possible starts with looking after our people and operating with the wider community in mind.

Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts are aligned with the wider AAB Group and, as a Group, we understand the importance of CSR and know businesses can have a positive social impact in many different ways.

Giving something back to our communities, working to protect our planet, and creating a happy and safe environment for our people are fundamental to the way we do business.

You can find out more about how we strive to make a positive impact here.

Client feedback

We are always looking for ways to improve our clients’ experience with us and therefore actively ask for feedback. We do this so that we can identify ways to better serve our clients and meet their expectations.

Feedback is always encouraged, and very much welcomed at AAB Wealth! We do this in our regular review meetings, on sites like VouchedFor and Unbiased, and in a more ‘formal’ approach we ask our clients to participate in a dedicated survey every 18 months.

The responses from our survey enable us to not only measure our own performance year-on-year, but also compare our results against other firms across the UK. We value the responses we receive from our clients and will always look for ways to improve.