
Financial Planner


Who I help

Private Individuals, Families, Business Owners, Executives.

How I help

Financial planning. Investment Planning. Retirement and Pension Planning. Inheritance tax planning. Cash flow modelling.

“i ASK CLIENTS why not now? And then show it is achievable.”

Alan Turner is Financial Planner in the Wealth Team based in Glasgow. As a financial planner, Alan works closely with individuals understanding their aims and objectives and building a bespoke financial plan for them and their family. One that will build their wealth for the future, plan for an enjoyable retirement and be able to pass their wealth onto their family to create a legacy.

A Financial plan takes the pressure off clients so they can sleep well at night without being concerned about running out of money in the future. Alan is a people person and enjoys being part of the team where everyone is cohesively working towards the same goal and that is providing a first-class service to our clients.

It’s all about YOU

“The client comes first, and the ultimate goal is to help them achieve their objectives so that they can sleep well at night. For me it is all about them having absolute trust in me and building a great relationship. I work with a range of clients, some are looking to draw on their pension, some need advice on their life savings and others who have sold or are in the process of selling their business. I enjoy listening to them and finding out about their goals and objectives and I treat them like I would my family.

Through building a solid and robust plan, I give them the peace of mind so that they can spend their money over the long term on enjoying themselves whilst also securing their families future. I have suggested to clients that they can go the extra mile on holiday spending and also bring forward gifts to children. Asking them why not now? And then showing it is achievable whilst not affecting their lifestyle or running out of money in their lifetime. I have clients who I have helped for over a decade, and I am now helping their children and grandchildren. Many clients have referred their family members to me for advice and I take this as a compliment that they have absolute trust in me.”

Being there at any time and going the extra mile

“Financial planning is not about any one area in particular, I look at the full picture for each client and through conversation, uncover areas they may not have thought about. However, this does not just happen at one meeting and the financial plan I put in place will be robust, reviewed regularly and will also evolve as your life does.

Clients expect a great service and to know that I am there for them no matter how big or small a question they may have. Everyone goes through good times and bad times in their life, and I love that I am able to help clients plan to achieve their ultimate goals in life, but also be there for them when the worst happens. The service I provide is not just about one annual planning meeting, I am there to speak with clients whenever they need to. I have clients who have sadly lost loved ones and being able to help them and their family at such a difficult time and beyond is so important.”

A Modern and Developing approach

“As the business grows the service that we provide clients will always remain the top objective. As such I embrace technology and use online client portals to store and share large documents with clients, cashflow planning software that can be used live to show and plan out client’s futures and we also have the capability of e-signing of documents that can speed up the completion of application forms.

Some people prefer traditional methods which we also embrace to ensure we provide clear and concise communication to all. I also meet clients in person or over video calls, it is likely you will not get this range from traditional advisers or large corporate companies.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Alan Turner, Glasgow

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  1. Blog17th May 2024

    Individual asking a financial planner a question

    Asking these 5 big questions? You need a financial planner

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