A catch-up with Sarah

Last year I wrote a blog about how I came to find myself working at AAB Wealth and our diversified team. A lot has changed for us all within the past year, myself included, and although we may think we’ve... Read more

Blog30th Nov 2020

Last year I wrote a blog about how I came to find myself working at AAB Wealth and our diversified team. A lot has changed for us all within the past year, myself included, and although we may think we’ve not done an awful lot this year, when you have time to sit down and reflect, within these hard times, the smallest accomplishments are quite the achievement.

I am now a Trainee Paraplanner and have been developing my analytical and technical skills through report writing and exams. Working from home has been challenging at times, however, we adapted well as a team. My day to day work has progressed over the past year with a focus on analysing our client’s pensions and investments. Even though we haven’t been able to meet clients face to face we have continued to host our meetings across virtual platforms which we feel is an important part of maintaining our client relationships. Ensuring clients could communicate with us and have up to date information was essential in the first few months of lockdown and we were able to demonstrate that our work could continue, as normal, throughout the pandemic.

I have developed my skills in creating cash flow models and scenarios for clients, this enables them to have a better understanding of their current financial position as well as demonstrating if any future goals are achievable and sustainable such as buying a new car or purchasing a new property. This tool also gives clients an informative view on pension planning for example are they on target to reach their retirement goals and is there retirement income sustainable throughout their life?

In March, I sat and passed my pensions exam two days before the whole country went into lock down. I have continued my studies throughout the past 6 months and have also now passed my tax exam, which I was able to complete at home remotely. My next goal is to achieve my Diploma, by passing the the Financial Planning in Practice exam. This exam brings together the previous five exam areas of ethics, tax, pensions, protection and investments which will allow me to apply my broad diversified knowledge to my day to day work.

My aims for 2021 are to be promoted to Paraplanner, obtain my Diploma and continue to develop relationships with clients, hopefully face to face.

You can find out more about Sarah and the wider AAB Wealth team here.

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