David Neely


Business owners & Executives. Senior medics. Individuals who want to make a positive change in their financial life or have lost a loved one.


I provide reassurance that my clients will remain safe in the longer term whilst being able to spend and enjoy the wealth they have accumulated.


David Neely is a Financial Planner based in Glasgow. David meets with clients and their families to provide valuable insights into their financial position and show how their wealth can enrich their lives. David has extensive experience in personal and business tax planning and mitigation. He interacts with client connections including solicitors, accountants, and other professionals, to be the go-between simplifying any complexities.


“A huge part of my role involves establishing long-term relationships with my clients, built on mutual trust. Quite often families don’t like to discuss money or don’t know how to structure their affairs to protect, educate and motivate the next generations! It’s a privilege to be trusted by families to work with them through 3 or 4 generations, helping to improve their financial communication and well-being. Some of my clients say I give them permission to enjoy themselves. As a trusted adviser, I am on hand to help simplify the complex and provide reassurance when it’s needed to encourage clients to focus on having fun spending or gifting where appropriate.”


“I would describe myself as a contrarian in my approach to helping clients understand investing. There is a difference between speculating and investing. There is no easy or quick way to guarantee success, but I aim to offer advice that provides a new perspective.

When market conditions change, and scary news headlines appear, worries are completely normal, but you don’t need to navigate these important decisions on your own. It’s our job to provide a steady hand and advise on the best next steps based on your long-term goals. One of the greatest compliments a client has paid me is ‘I wish I had worked with you years ago. You’ve changed our lives.’ Seeing clients trust in us and the difference our advice has made in our clients’ lives is a highlight for me.”


“I began working in the industry as a Financial Planner 22 years ago. Over the years I have helped dozens of people to retire earlier than they thought they could or to change the pace of their Job. My drive to do this comes from seeing some clients and friends or family who regret delaying retirement, taking that holiday, or helping the kids when they really needed it.  I have yet to meet a client in retirement who feels they should have worked more!”


“I believe I am a good communicator; I listen well and I’m always eager to learn. Joining AAB Wealth and working with a wider pool of experienced professionals brings exciting opportunities to do exactly that. I share the teams’ passion for collaboration, and I look forward to getting to know them and seeing other team members grow and progress.

Being part of a larger team allows us to offer financial planning advice to even more individuals across the UK who want to shape their financial future. As AAB Wealth grows, the service we provide clients remains our focus. I gain immense satisfaction from helping people, whether they approached us initially to discuss their retirement, but are now looking for advice on the most tax-efficient ways to gift to their children or children’s children.”

Kelly Shek

Who I help

Private Individuals. Business Owners. High Net Worth Individuals.

How I help

Financial Planning. Cash Flow Modelling. Pension Planning. Retirement Planning. Investment Planning. Cascading Wealth.

“No two client situations are the same”

Kelly Shek is a Financial Planner within our Wealth team. Based in our Aberdeen office, Kelly works with clients to help them make realistic plans that are unique to them. This is achieved by building long term relationships and meeting regularly to help make sensible decisions through different life stages for their financial future.

An ideal relationship

“An ideal relationship is one built on trust, honesty and open communication. I want to work closely to understand my clients’ goals and aspirations and work together to put a plan in place to make these a reality.

Meeting clients goals and objectives matter to me as much as they do to them. They deserve an honest relationship and to know that any advice I give has their best interests at heart.”

Lifetime of support

“Clients allow us into all aspects of their life and turn to us for guidance, support and reassurance.  Whether that is as simple as recommending a solicitor, helping them deal with unexpected shocks, guiding them to commit to saving to improve their overall planning position or letting them know they can retire early, the list is endless. We are on a life journey with them and it is so rewarding, I am passionate about helping.”

Culture of change and innovation

“I have already witnessed such a great team spirit within AAB. Being able to voice opinions, collaborate and brainstorm helps everyone embrace change, innovate and succeed together whilst delivering good client outcomes.

One of the biggest challenges we face is the pace of regulatory changes and technology integration but, although sometimes disruptive, the overall goal is usually for a good purpose. I embrace change and will work together with the team to implement and adapt when required which in turn allows us to grow collectively.

Technology is fundamental to the job that we do.  We can deliver communications more efficiently and effectively, help clients visualise plans using cash flow modelling, and the role technology pays in day-to-day running of the business provides positive outcomes to clients overall.”

Focusing on what really matters

“Clients are our biggest asset and passion is essential in our business, appreciating the clients and thanking them for their business goes a long way to maintain great relationships which is important.

The greatest compliment I have received from a client is ‘I love how friendly and trustworthy my advisor is, she explains everything so well and never makes you feel like you’re taking up too much of her time.’

My approach is to help clients focus on the things that matter and what they can control.  It is easy to get caught up in the negative media and focus on negative periods in the market. I want clients to focus on what really matters to them and leave the rest to us.

I want clients to reach their goals and aspirations in life and will work hard to guide them on that journey.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Kelly Shek, Aberdeen

Alan Turner

Who I help

Private Individuals, Families, Business Owners, Executives.

How I help

Financial planning. Investment Planning. Retirement and Pension Planning. Inheritance tax planning. Cash flow modelling.

“i ASK CLIENTS why not now? And then show it is achievable.”

Alan Turner is Financial Planner in the Wealth Team based in Glasgow. As a financial planner, Alan works closely with individuals understanding their aims and objectives and building a bespoke financial plan for them and their family. One that will build their wealth for the future, plan for an enjoyable retirement and be able to pass their wealth onto their family to create a legacy.

A Financial plan takes the pressure off clients so they can sleep well at night without being concerned about running out of money in the future. Alan is a people person and enjoys being part of the team where everyone is cohesively working towards the same goal and that is providing a first-class service to our clients.

It’s all about YOU

“The client comes first, and the ultimate goal is to help them achieve their objectives so that they can sleep well at night. For me it is all about them having absolute trust in me and building a great relationship. I work with a range of clients, some are looking to draw on their pension, some need advice on their life savings and others who have sold or are in the process of selling their business. I enjoy listening to them and finding out about their goals and objectives and I treat them like I would my family.

Through building a solid and robust plan, I give them the peace of mind so that they can spend their money over the long term on enjoying themselves whilst also securing their families future. I have suggested to clients that they can go the extra mile on holiday spending and also bring forward gifts to children. Asking them why not now? And then showing it is achievable whilst not affecting their lifestyle or running out of money in their lifetime. I have clients who I have helped for over a decade, and I am now helping their children and grandchildren. Many clients have referred their family members to me for advice and I take this as a compliment that they have absolute trust in me.”

Being there at any time and going the extra mile

“Financial planning is not about any one area in particular, I look at the full picture for each client and through conversation, uncover areas they may not have thought about. However, this does not just happen at one meeting and the financial plan I put in place will be robust, reviewed regularly and will also evolve as your life does.

Clients expect a great service and to know that I am there for them no matter how big or small a question they may have. Everyone goes through good times and bad times in their life, and I love that I am able to help clients plan to achieve their ultimate goals in life, but also be there for them when the worst happens. The service I provide is not just about one annual planning meeting, I am there to speak with clients whenever they need to. I have clients who have sadly lost loved ones and being able to help them and their family at such a difficult time and beyond is so important.”

A Modern and Developing approach

“As the business grows the service that we provide clients will always remain the top objective. As such I embrace technology and use online client portals to store and share large documents with clients, cashflow planning software that can be used live to show and plan out client’s futures and we also have the capability of e-signing of documents that can speed up the completion of application forms.

Some people prefer traditional methods which we also embrace to ensure we provide clear and concise communication to all. I also meet clients in person or over video calls, it is likely you will not get this range from traditional advisers or large corporate companies.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Alan Turner, Glasgow

Debbie Connolly


High Net Worth Individuals. Business Owners. High Earning Executives. Trustees.


Financial Planning. Wealth Planning. Pension Planning. Investment Planning. Legacy Planning. Cascading Wealth Planning.


Debbie Connolly is Chartered Financial Planner within our wealth team. Based in Northern Ireland, her role involves helping her clients to understand their goals and aspirations for the future. She drills down to find out what really matters most to them, both now and in the future. They then work together to put a bespoke plan in place to achieve them. Debbie’s focus is on what is most important to her clients and makes the complicated advice areas as simple as possible so that her clients can focus on what really matters to them and their family.

Debbie is very knowledgeable in all aspects of financial planning, including complex areas such as Inheritance tax/Trust planning, Business relief products and Lifetime allowance issues. She has achieved Fellow status within the Personal Finance Society and Chartered status. This means that she has attained and maintained the most prestigious level of professional achievement within her profession.


“The most crucial element in a client relationship is Trust. You need to be open and honest with each other to try and get the most out of your financial planning goals and objectives. A client/adviser relationship is normally long term and I really enjoy being there every step of the way watching my client’s life cycles change. This can even include looking after their legacy and helping the next generation.

Being open and honest and to act with my clients interests at the forefront is at the heart of everything I do. To use my knowledge and expertise to help create a robust financial plan in which they can believe in. My parents have always instilled in me that “you should treat others the way you would want to be treated yourself” and I really believe this to be a fundamental part of building trust with my clients.”


“The most satisfying aspect of working with clients is when they start to see all the pieces of your plan fit together. It is all very well putting a plan in place, but the proof is in the pudding. Sometimes, it can take a while for clients to really understand the benefit of financial planning, but when it clicks, it really is special and gives me real job satisfaction.”


“I absolutely love working as part of a team knowing that everyone is working towards achieving better outcomes for our clients. When you see people going the extra mile, it brings comfort and confidence that you are collaborating with great people. I also love seeing people develop and progress within their career. It is so nice seeing someone work their way up in a company and watch them grow and learn along the way, this really makes me smile.”


“I think to really achieve great outcomes for your clients, you must challenge the thought process both internally as a company and also the client at times. One thing that struck me when I joined AAB is that everyone has a say. If there is a way of doing things better, we will adapt and improve. If a client has certain behavioural biases, we should challenge this to see if that is truly what they believe. A compliment I received recently from a client that made smile was that I “make the complicated easy to understand and that I am also good fun and not like the typical boring financial advisers they have dealt with in the past.”

Financial Services is continually changing and to be one of the top financial planning companies in the UK, you need to be able to disrupt, assess and assert yourself when you genuinely believe that what you are doing is right.”


“We need to have the technology to allow people to access their information in a way that suits their needs. I have clients who prefer nearly a 100% virtual experience to fit in with their lifestyle, but I also have more vulnerable clients who need that face-to-face advice. I have also found that business owners like to see the “whites of my eyes” so to speak at least initially. The important thing is that we take an approach that works for each client’s needs, and we should have the technology to allow us to facilitate their preferred approach.”


“I want my clients to have the peace of mind that they have a plan in place and that over the medium to long term, it will work for them. It is always scary when markets are volatile for clients, but it is about zooming out, forgetting about the noise in the press and focusing on the long-term fundamentals. This can sometimes be one of the most important parts of my job – to remove or manage the emotional roller coaster of investing. The great news is, that everyone I have met at AAB has their clients at the heart of everything we do and that allows me to sleep at night too, knowing that my clients are in great hands.”


“I want to continue my chartered adviser journey giving clients the best advice I can, with a company that is expanding rapidly due to continuous growth and success. AAB Wealth is agile and nimble and not afraid to disrupt the market. If something can be done better, more efficient or give clients a better journey, AAB will adapt and improve. Therefore, I believe so much in what we do, and the future looks very bright.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Debbie Connolly, Belfast

Tom La Dell


Individuals. Business Owners. Trustees.


Financial Planning, Cash Flow Modelling, Retirement Planning, Pension Planning, Investment Planning, Inheritance Tax Planning


Tom La Dell is a Chartered Financial Planner in the Wealth team. His role involves leading the Wealth Management team in Leeds, working closely with team members in Sagars to offer our clients a holistic approach to both their financial planning and tax affairs.


“Having worked with a diverse client base for a number of years the best relationships are those forged upon a mutual trust.  Being able to gain a deep understanding of what is truly important to my clients and what their money means for them allows me to tailor my advice to their personal circumstances.  It is so important to recognise that no two clients are the same and financial freedom looks and feels different for everyone.  The greatest feedback I’ve received from a client is ‘I trust you implicitly’.


“I deeply dislike meeting clients who have no sense of direction with their financial planning despite working with traditional IFA’s and asset managers. Financial planning isn’t all about investment returns, it’s about making sure you can sustain your lifestyle, understanding the risks you’re exposed to, minimising your tax liabilities and controlling what you can control.

The most rewarding part of my job is giving clients clarity on what their financial future will look like, so they can make informed decisions about retirement, making large expenses, or protecting their hard-earned assets from inheritance tax.  When situations change, I will always be available to provide the guidance needed to navigate any obstacles, work from a new perspective or achieve different goals.”


“I’m a great believer that clients get far greater value from utilising personalised visual aids to understand their required investment returns and sensitivity to fluctuating asset values than they ever would from reading 20+ pages of regulatory jargon containing generic risk warnings about past performance and returns not being guaranteed. Of course, that’s not to say these statements aren’t true, but clients need to take them in the context of their personal circumstances.

Technology is an essential tool in enabling financial planners to showcase clients’ current circumstances and how it aligns with their financial goals, and allows clients to work with us more conveniently, securely and with a better understanding of their financial planning.”


“It’s fantastic to be part of the firm’s expansion into Yorkshire and I’m really excited to be part of the team in Leeds and introduce AAB Wealth to our clients. Having been a big believer in a client centric, evidence-based approach to financial planning, I am well placed to be able to deliver the high standards and message of AAB Wealth to our clients old and new.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Tom La Dell, Leeds

Alastair Moore


Individuals, Business Owners, Trustees.


Financial Planning, Wealth Planning, Legacy Planning, Cash Flow Modelling, Pension Planning, Investment Planning, Tax Planning, Estate Planning, Cascading Wealth Planning.


Alastair Moore is a Chartered Financial Planner within our Wealth team. Based in Northern Ireland, his role involves helping clients put robust and coherent financial plans in place, taking care of the complex investment decisions and providing them with the confidence to achieve their goals, objectives and ambitions.

“I take a holistic view of financial planning with clients. Starting with building a picture of where they are now, financially and personally. From here, I develop a cash flow model which incorporates their lifestyle goals and objectives, along with their assets, liabilities, income and expenditure. This process illustrates whether the client is currently able to achieve their goals and objectives and how efficiently their finances are structured. I then work with clients to enhance the structure of their assets and implement any changes which could increase their ability to achieve their own personal goals and objectives.

No financial plan should be a set and forget exercise, as such, I meet with clients regularly to update their financial plan, take account of changes in their circumstances and ensure they remain on track to meet their goals and objectives.”


“A fundamental part of my role as a Financial Planner is helping clients navigate complex and important milestones throughout their lifetime. As such, I enjoy building long term relationships with clients, where I act as a support, someone they can lean on, rely upon, and who ultimately helps them navigate the ebbs and flows of life with confidence.

Every relationship has to be built on trust. Clients expect and deserve honest, trustworthy and professional advice, with their best interests at heart, from someone who truly understands and knows them, their situation and their objectives. ”


“AAB has a reputation for being disruptive, feisty and assertive and this reflects in our approach to clients. Financial Planning and Advice has for too long been focused on investments and investment returns. AAB Wealth, and I by association, take a different approach with clients; investing for the long term and focusing on what really matters to clients; their unique goals and objectives.”


“Technology has been a fantastic facilitator over the past couple of years with everyone being forced to meet virtually. Ultimately however, technology will never replace the power of face to face meetings, where we get a deeper sense of who the client is and where they want to go, whilst allowing the client to get a sense of us and whether we can add value to their circumstances.

However, we can harness technology to enhance the client experience further, whether it’s to demonstrate the sustainability of their lifestyle throughout their lifetime or checking in with them as they enjoy a holiday abroad.”


“It’s exciting to be part of a fast growing and dynamic firm as it enters a new stage and a new geographic region in Northern Ireland. This creates opportunities for the firm and I to work closely with our FPM colleagues to grow, develop and help clients throughout this region with their financial planning requirements.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Alastair Moore, Belfast

Lisa Tait


Private Individuals and Couples. Family Businesses. Business Owners. Trustees.


Wealth Planning. Cash Flow Modelling. Financial Planning. Pension Planning. Investment Planning. Cascading Wealth.

“I WANT TO bring a different perspective.”

Lisa Tait is a Financial Planner within our Wealth team. Based in Aberdeen, she helps clients get to grips with their money and gain peace of mind that they’re financially secure. But Lisa’s role isn’t just focused on investments or savings. More often than not, it’s about giving people the confidence to spend their money on things they want to do, whilst knowing they’ll still be ok in the future – and so will their family.

Lisa works hard to help her clients build a better life. And she says it’s an incredible compliment that clients put their faith in her, and trust that she only has their best interests at heart.


“Having an open and honest dialogue with clients is crucial. They need to trust me, and I need to be honest with them – even if they don’t particularly want to hear what I have to say! It’s just about creating an environment where they feel comfortable telling me about their ambitions, their hopes and dreams for the future – both personally and for their loved ones.

I think as a woman in a traditionally male industry, I can bring a slightly different perspective to what I can offer to the Wealth team and to our clients.”


“I’m a people person, so working with clients face-to-face is the most satisfying part of my role. Just meeting people, chatting to them and taking them through the planning process is great. And it’s even better when you know you’ve given them the confidence to really enjoy their hard-earned cash and see their retirement as the next exciting stage of life.

Everything I do revolves around making the big decisions a little bit simpler – and ultimately helping clients get the most out of life.”


“Although relationships are the key thing for me, there’s a place for tech too – especially when it comes to cash flow modelling. It’s really powerful to be able to sit with a client and present a meaningful visual of their financial plans for the future, showing them different scenarios and building in important life events.

To see it all laid out visually makes such a difference – much better than just talking about the numbers. It means I can show people, that if you want to get here, you can still afford to do X, Y and Z without running out of money. That opens up so many possibilities for people.”


“You might think one of the greatest challenges in this role is preventing clients from going into panic mode about their investments when the markets aren’t performing well, or world events throw a spanner in the works. But because we take the time at the outset to make sure our clients are comfortable with our long term investment approach, this isn’t a common issue.

A greater challenge is giving clients comfort that they can spend their money! Retirement should no longer be seen as pipe and slippers territory (unless that’s the dream!) but instead the start of a new chapter, full of opportunity. You’ve worked hard all your life. Now’s the time to live a little.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Lisa Tait, Aberdeen

Martyn Paterson


Private Individuals. Business Owners. High Net Worth Individuals.


Wealth Planning. Cash Flow Modelling. Financial Planning. Pension Planning. Investment Planning. Cascading Wealth.

“I love to see clientS’ plans come to fruition.”

Martyn Paterson is a Chartered Financial Planner within our Wealth team. Based in Aberdeen, he works with a wide range of clients, helping them build their wealth and plan for the future.

Forging long term relationships is key to the work that Martyn does – because he can work with clients for decades and through generations. And whoever he is working with, the focus is always on ensuring his clients have a very clear view of the best way to build their wealth, spend their wealth, plan for retirement and then cascade their wealth onto loved ones.


“While a few of my clients may require advice on a transactional basis, for me it’s all about getting to know the people that I work with – then helping them develop a plan to achieve all the things they want to do in life. And I check in on their progress regularly, to ensure they stay on track and achieve their goals.

That’s what I appreciate most about what I do. It’s incredible to help a client make plans – and then see those come to fruition. That really is the feel-good factor at the end of the day. And when clients recommend me to a friend or family member, that’s all the validation I need that I’ve earned their trust and they think I’m doing a good job.”


“I think when new clients come to me, they’re not sure what to expect. They might have a lump sum they’re not sure what to do with. Or maybe they want some advice on their pensions or investments. But they’re often surprised when we take it all a step further.

The thing is, wealth planning is not about the here and now. It’s about clients thinking about what they want their future to look like – and then putting plans in place to help them get to that point. It’s about knowing how your finances are going to play out. It’s about taking away the worry or uncertainty of the years ahead. It’s about being able to live your best life.”


“I bring a lot of experience to AAB – I mean I’ve done financial planning for more than 25 years. But I think clients value my practical approach just as much. I’m pretty level-headed and good at taking a step back and thinking, ‘OK, these are all the options on the table, so which one will get us to where we want to be the quickest’. Sometimes I’m able to show people they can retire even earlier than they thought – and give them the data to back that up. It’s times like that the enjoyment factor really kicks in.”


“I think this is a really exciting place to work – it’s like a breath of fresh air. No matter what level you come in at, the opportunities to spread your wings, try something new, work in different departments, or even in different parts of the country are incredible.

There’s always so much going on, and so many young people joining the company, that it invigorates you. And one thing I really value, is being able to pass on my knowledge and experience. It’s such a privilege to be able to help develop the next generation of financial planners or paraplanners.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Martyn Paterson, Aberdeen

Richard Johnston


Individuals. Business Owners. Trustees.


Wealth Planning. Cash Flow Modelling. Financial Planning. Pension Planning. Investment Planning. Estate Planning. Tax Planning. Cascading Wealth.

“I leave no stone unturned.”

Richard Johnston is a Chartered Financial Planner within our Wealth Team. Based in Edinburgh, he works with a wide range of private clients, helping them build their wealth and plan for the future.

The most important aspect of Richard’s work is building long-term relationships with people. Helping them navigate life’s twists and turns. And, along the way, giving them all the advice they need in the realm of pensions, tax, investments and estate planning. In a nutshell, helping them get the most out of life.


“Clients often come to me initially for something fairly transactional – maybe to ask advice about a pension or an investment. But I think what I do works best when we can build a relationship that goes much deeper than that. That’s why I work hard to build a rapport with clients. To forge relationships that will stand the test of time – perhaps even through the generations.

And while technology like video calls can be incredibly useful, I don’t think that will ever replace face-to-face meetings. For me, nothing beats sitting in the same room as someone and having a proper chat. So, I prefer it if clients are willing and able to give some time to the process – to be fully engaged with it. Because that’s when they get the most back.”


“When clients pick up the phone to me, they’re probably expecting me to help with one small part of their finances. But I hope after we talk, they realise I can do so much more than that. Wealth planning is about looking at the whole picture. Holistic isn’t necessarily the right word – but it’s about leaving no stone unturned to get a proper fix on where you are, where you want to go and how you can get there.

Once people see that, there’s always a bit of the wow factor. The client goes away with a lot more confidence. They know what they can and cannot achieve. And that’s maybe more than they ever believed possible. I can’t help but feel chuffed when that happens.”


“The great thing about AAB, is that we’re not afraid to step outside the norms of the wealth industry. The way we manage investment portfolios or the modelling strategy we use. Even in the relationships that we build with clients. We’re brave enough to look at things differently. We question if it works or if there’s a better way to do things. And that feels very exciting and actually quite refreshing.”


“I like to think that I’m very thorough when looking at my clients’ finances. I don’t just skip over things because they seem too minor to be concerned about. And although I’d never say I’m an extrovert, I like building relationships and having discussions with clients.  I enjoy the whole aspect of getting to meet people and getting to know them better.

Clients often say that talking to me has made them think differently. And that it’s given them so much more confidence for the future. That’s a great compliment because that’s what the ultimate outcome should be.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Richard Johnston, Edinburgh

Claire Marston

Who I help

I help a broad range of clients, including those working and accumulating their wealth, business owners, those approaching retirement, and people who are retired and thinking about leaving a legacy for their loved ones.

How I help

My specialisms include financial planning, lifetime cash flow modelling, investment and tax consultancy, and inheritance and succession planning.

“Our clients are the most important thing about our industry and at AAB Wealth they are our number one priority”

Claire Marston is a Chartered Financial Planner based in our Aberdeen office. Working within our Wealth team she helps her clients to establish, identify, prioritise, and achieve their financial objectives, so they can live their desired lifestyle. She helps to familiarise clients with the investment process and provide support through any changes in financial circumstances and turbulent market conditions.

By utilising cash flow modelling, Claire is able to assess the achievability of her clients’ goals. She also assists with tax planning, ensuring that they are utilising all available tax allowances and withdrawing funds in a tax efficient manner.

Foundation of trust

“For me trust and honesty are the most important aspects of any relationship I have with a client. Clients need to trust that I know what I’m talking about, that I will be able to help them achieve their goals, and that I have their best interests at heart. Finances are such a personal thing and, for some people, it can feel very uncomfortable to discuss such personal information. It is important that we build a relationship where it becomes not only possible, but enjoyable.

The relationship I’ve been able to build with clients has always been the most satisfying part of my role. I endeavour to find out what is important to a client and do whatever I can to help them achieve their goals and give them peace of mind when it comes to their finances. Everyone is different and I try hard to establish what will work for each client and their individual circumstances.”

People focused.

“Financial advice is and will always be a people focused sector. It’s driven by people’s circumstances, goals, and ambitions. As such, I believe that the in-person face to face element is so important because you’re dealing with something that’s personal to them.

That’s not to say that technology doesn’t have its place. In many aspects tech is an essential tool for saving us time and helping us to give more to our clients. Cash flow modelling is vital for our business and for helping clients. We use it to establish whether clients can achieve their goals and for stress testing scenarios. We also use it in meetings to present to clients, which is very visual and can help them feel confident about their finances. Tech enables us to do our jobs in the most effective and bespoke way.”

Uncertainty of the future

“There is a lot of uncertainty when it comes to financial planning and this can be challenging. We cannot know what the future holds, both in terms of the financial markets and in regulation. To combat this, we focus on what we can control: keeping costs low, diversifying globally and staying disciplined in times of volatility.”

Common misconceptions

“There’s a misconception that clients, their objectives, and their wellbeing are not the primary focus. That’s just simply not true. Clients are the most important part of our industry and at AAB Wealth they are the number one priority. That’s why ‘clients are our passion’ is one of the key values everyone in the team has. We do whatever we can to support them and help them achieve their goals.”

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Claire Marston, Aberdeen